This 2nd grade money and financial literacy unit is designed to introduce and reinforce money skills. It includes counting coins up to one dollar, counting bills and coins up to $5.00, and personal financial literacy.
These 2nd grade money activities include 15 days worth of lesson plans to be used as a guide.
These plans follow a guided math format that includes:
- a warm up
- mini whole group lesson
- independent practice
- small group ideas for you to use in your classroom!
All of these money activities for 2nd grade come in color and black and white.
➡️ Best of all, center direction and recording pages are included along with answer keys!
Here is what you’ll get with this 2nd grade money activities unit:
✏️ Lesson Plans
✏️ Vocabulary Posters
✏️ Pre-Assessments
✏️ Anchor Chart Template
✏️ Day 1: Introducing Coins
✏️ Day 2: Reviewing Coins
✏️ Days 3-5: Counting Mixed Coins
✏️ Day 6: Ways to Make A Dollar
✏️ Day 7-9: Counting Beyond $1.00
✏️ Day 10: Money Review
✏️ Day 11: Spend and Saving
✏️ Day 12: Deposit and Withdrawal
✏️ Day 13: Good and Services
✏️ Day 14: Producers and Consumers
✏️ Day 15: Review and Assessment
✏️ Higher Order Thinking Questions
✏️ 3 PowerPoints
These money and financial literacy lesson plans are filled with hands on engagement and interactive notebook activities. Games and task cards are included!
Not only are they are perfect for math centers and can be used all year long, but they are perfect building blocks for learning all about money and financial literacy!
You will not find lots of worksheets in this unit, rather, more collaborative activities that will engage students in their work!
Aligns with Texas TEKS: 2.5AB
Aligns with CCS: 2MD.C.8
➡️ Please note that this is for US currency ONLY.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “THIS IS THE BEST. The kids loved it and everything is all laid out for you. Literally, all you have to do is deliver the content. GREAT resource.” – Ciana B.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “I just used some of the resources for my observation lesson last week and it was so easy to differentiate activities for my small groups. Highly recommend this unit. Everything is well organized, explained, and easy to implement.” – Stephanie C.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Best resource for money in second grade! My students love learning about each coin at the beginning and going shopping for supplies at the end plus all of the activities/games in between.” – Abby C.
Click on the preview to get a closer look at this 2nd grade money activities unit. If you have any questions just let me know and I’ll be happy to help. 🙂
This is a zipped (compressed) file, so you will need to extract the files from the folder in order to access each product.
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