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3 Digit Addition And Subtraction Exit Tickets for 3rd Grade Math


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Make student assessment easy with these 3 digit addition and subtraction exit tickets for 3rd grade. These exit slips include a variety of skills that let you check how well students understand math after your lesson is finished. You can use them to figure out which skills need more focus during small group instruction.

This resource provides exit tickets for 3rd-grade multi-digit addition and subtraction. They match the TEKS and CCS standards and cover 3 digit addition and subtraction with regrouping, addition properties, estimating sums and differences, missing addends, and word problems.

These 3 Digit Addition and Subtraction Exit Tickets include: 

  • 1-4 problems depending on the skill
  • 3 exit tickets per sheet to allow for easy printing for your whole class
  • 2 versions for each skill
  • Self-elevations on each exit slip

⭐ These exit tickets do correlate with my Guided Math units or they can be used as a stand-alone with any curriculum. If you do own my Guided Math units, they follow the same order as the daily lesson plans. They can also be used as a standalone with any curriculum. ⭐

Ways to Use Addition and Subtraction Exit Slips

☑️ formative assessments

☑️ small group reflections

☑️ early finisher activities

You will love how easy it is to assess your students. Each exit ticket also includes a spot for students to self-assess their understanding. This allows them to safely share how they feel about the concept or skill they are learning.

Check out the links below for more 3rd Grade Math resources:

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