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The Ultimate Roundup of Math Books for Elementary Teachers | Fun Math Read Alouds

If you’ve been around for a while, you know I am absolutely obsessed with using math read alouds in my instruction. I’ve always been a bookworm, and instilling that love of reading into my students is one of the things I cherish the most about teaching, alongside making math fun for all students. If you’re looking to add some engaging math books for elementary students to your bookshelves this year, read on as I share a roundup of my favorite math books for various skills! Whether you’re looking for a math book read aloud to hook your students or explore a skill in a real-world manner, I’ve got you covered!

math books for elementary teachers

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How To Incorporate Math Book Read Alouds

There are so many benefits of using math book read alouds in your instruction and a ton of different ways to incorporate them. 

Here are 5 creative ways that I like to incorporate them into my math lessons:

  • Whole Group Mini Lesson Hook: Start your math lesson with a captivating read-aloud to grab students’ interest and set the stage for learning.
  • Provide Visual Representation: Use illustrations and diagrams from the books to visually reinforce mathematical concepts and engage visual learners. This is especially helpful for ESL students. 
  • Incorporate Reading Strategies Into Math: Integrate reading comprehension strategies such as vocabulary, prior knowledge, and text-to-text and text-to-world connections to determine the importance of the story and the mathematical concept and deepen understanding. 
  • Encourage Mathematical Conversations: Math read-alouds serve as springboards for rich mathematical discussions. This encourages students to use mathematical vocabulary, explain their reasoning, and explore different problem-solving approaches.
  • Use Manipulatives and Graphic Organizers: Pair math read-alouds with hands-on activities, manipulatives, and graphic organizers to reinforce concepts and cater to different learning styles.

Learn more about how to incorporate math read alouds in your classroom in this blog post!

You can grab this free math vocabulary graphic organizer to use alongside your math read alouds as you support students in building a strong mathematical vocabulary. Simply fill out the form below and it’ll be delivered straight to your inbox!

Roundup of Math Books for Elementary Teachers

Addition and Subtraction Books

Building strong addition and subtraction skills is crucial for mathematical fluency in the primary grades. These are skills students will use all throughout their life, both in school and in the real-world. Therefore, making sure they understand these strategies and how to apply them when solving problems is key. Explore these 12 books that reinforce addition and subtraction strategies in fun and creative ways.

Addition and subtraction math read alouds

Place Value Books

Place value is (in my opinion) the most important mathematical skill students will learn in the primary grades. It is the essential foundation for so many other math skills, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, comparing and ordering numbers, and so much more. Explore these 8 books that make teaching place value exciting and relatable for young learners.

place value math books

Books About Money

Counting money and financial literacy are essential skills for children to learn. It’s also a super fun skill to teach that can be taught in a variety of creative ways and tied into a lot of real-world scenarios and stories. Explore these 8 books that teach kids about counting money, coins, money management, saving, and spending wisely.

Money math book read alouds

Telling Time Books

Being able to tell time on various clocks is a crucial life skill, along with managing time and calculating elapsed time. These 7 books are excellent resources for teaching kids how to tell time in a fun and interactive way.

Telling time math books for elementary

Books for Teaching Shapes

Shapes are all around us in our daily lives, in books, in our homes, outside, and everywhere in between. Understanding and being able to identify various shapes and their attributes is a key skill for primary learners. Dive into these 10 books that teach shapes in a visually engaging and interactive way.

Books for teaching shapes

Books About Fractions

Fractions can be challenging for kids, but with the right resources, visuals, and hands-on opportunities to work with them, students can gain confidence in them! Using math read alouds that showcase fractions in the real-world is a great way to help students understand both the “why” and the “how” of fractions. Dive into these 11 books about fractions that simplify this complex concept and make learning fractions fun and engaging!

fraction math books

Books About Graphs and Data

Graphs and data is a fun skill to teach with a ton of real-world connections and hands-on learning opportunities. Visualizing this skill is essential for students to be able to collect and organize data and interpret and analyze the information being shown. These 7 captivating children’s books provide a fun and engaging way to introduce and teach the concept of graphs and data. 

Graphs and Data math read alouds

Books About Multiplication and Division

Mastering the skills of multiplication and division lays the foundation for more advanced mathematical concepts. These can be tricky concepts for students to grasp, but oftentimes, when they can see these skills in action in real-world examples or the examples provided in children’s books, it starts to click! Explore these 15 books that make learning multiplication and division enjoyable and accessible for all students. 

Multiplication and division math book read aloud

Books About Measurement

Measurement is one of those skills we teach our students that is best done with hands-on activities and real-world connections. Let’s be honest, all skills are best taught this way, but with measurement being such an important skill used in everyday life, it’s even more important to help students connect the learning to the real world. Check out these 15 relatable children’s books about measurement that are both fun and educational!

I hope you enjoyed this roundup of math books for elementary teachers and add some of these to your teacher wishlist! You can find links for all of these books inside each blog post, or here in my Amazon storefront

Check out these resources that you can use alongside these math read alouds to enhance your instruction as well!

Addition and Subtraction math books for elementary
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