These math centers are jammed packed with Christmas fun! They were designed for a 2nd grade classroom but could be modified for 1st of 3rd grade as well. All centers come in color and black and white. It also includes simple student directions and activity sheets for each center. Here is what you’ll find in this unit:
Snowman Addition: Addition to 20
Santa’s Sack Subtraction: Subtraction Facts from 20
Decorating the Tree: An Even and Odd sort ( 3 and 4 digit numbers)
Reindeer Dash: A Number Ordering Center (3 and 4 digit numbers)
Snowball Fight: A Place Value Center (3 and 4 digit numbers)
Unwrapping Coins: A Money Center (coins up to $1)
Jingle Bell Time: Telling time (clocks in 5 minutes increments)
Santa’s Sleigh: 2 Digit Addition WITHOUT Regrouping
Choo Choo Subtraction: 2 Digit Subtraction WITHOUT Regrouping
Dancing Gingerbread: Missing Addends
Comparing Silly Elves: 2 and 3 digit numbers
If you have any questions about this unit please let me know and I’ll be glad to help.
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