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Winter Educents DEAL ALERT!!!

Happy December!  Hope everyone had a great holiday and is ready for the next weeks coming up!  We can do this!!!  
 I have teamed up with some friends to load you up with resources to make teaching a bit easier!  
Full retail value of $50.50 and only available for a limited time.  $14.99 which is 70% off!  Extreme value alert.

With 12 instant downloads and 508 pages of materials including task cards, centers, interactive notebooks, printables, author study, crafts, and much, much more.

Academic Concepts Covered
 Word Problems

Long Vowels


Synonyms & Antonyms

Editing Writing


Plurals (including irregular)

Nouns & Verbs 

Changing Tenses of Words


Story Elements 



Writing Stories

Double Digit Addition and Subtraction

Check out the previews… 
70% off and only for a limited time!  Head on over to Educents to stock up for the winter and beyond!

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