Learning division takes a lot of time and practice to master. Let’s stop the “I can’t do this mentality” students like to say when it comes to math. Instead, let’s expose them to multiple division strategies and hands on learning to set them up to succeed.
These division activities were created to introduce, practice, and review dividing numbers by 0-9. Inside this guided math unit, you’ll find activities for dividing with equals, arrays, and repeated subtraction. Daily division word problems are also included.
It includes 20 days worth of highly engaging lesson plans to be used as a guide. These plans include a warm-up, mini whole group lesson, independent practice, and small group ideas. Therefore, it provides a great guided math model for you to use in your classroom.
This unit includes division games and task cards that can be used all year long. You will not find many worksheets in this unit. All activities come in color and black and white. Center directions and recording pages are included, along with answer keys.
The unit includes the following items:
- Vocabulary Posters
- Pre-Assessments
- Daily Division Word Problems
- Day 1 (Division with Equal Groups)
- Day 2 (Division with Arrays)
- Day 3 (Division with Repeated Subtraction)
- Day 4 (Fact Families)
- Day 5 (Reviewing Division Strategies
- Day 6 (Division by 2’s)
- Day 7 (Division by 3’s)
- Day 8 (Division by 4’s)
- Day 9 (Division by 5’s)
- Day 10 (Division by 6’s)
- Day 11 (Division by 7’s)
- Day 12 (Division by 8’s)
- Day 13 (Division by 9’s)
- Day 14 (Division by 0’s and 1’s)
- Day 15 (Division Review)
- Day 16 (1 Step Word Problems)
- Day 17 (2 Step Word Problems)
- Day 18 (Eliminating Unimportant Information)
- Day 19 (Division Review)
- Day 20 (Division Review and Assessment)
- Higher Order Thinking Questions
Aligns with Texas TEKS: 3.4FHIJK, 3.5BD
Aligns with CCS: 3.OA.A.2,3,4, 3.OA.B.6, 3.OA.C.7, 3.OA.D.8
CLICK ON THE PREVIEW TO GET A DETAILED LOOK AT THIS UNIT. If you have any questions just let me know and I’ll be happy to help.
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