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Made It Monday: Filing Cabinet Makeover

It’s Monday folks. Today is my first day back at work for inservice week. The first day of school is one week from today. AAAHHH! That just seems crazy to me. This summer went by so fast. I’m linking up with 4th Grade Frolics to share with you what I’ve made in the past week. 
If you follow me on IG, you know that I did a filing cabinet makeover. I thought this would be an easy project. I was wrong folks. It ended up being a total pain and I might have said a few not so nice words in the process of redoing them. 
This is how they started out. UGLY! I put my hubs to work taking off the hardware while I wiped them down and primed them. I painted the bases black so I used a black primer. I also used spray paint. 
My original plan was to modg podge paper onto them. I’m super crafty and consider myself a good modg podger so I really didn’t think I would have a hard time with this. I picked out some pretty paper, cut out a template, and stayed up way past my bed time gluing the paper on. When I woke up the next morning my cabinets looked like this….

Those bubbles were not there when I went to bed ya’ll. I was literally devastated when I saw it. I immediately called my mom to see if she knew of a way to fix it. I talked to all my crafty friends. I googled it. I spent almost half a day trying to fix it and it just wasn’t happening. Words do not even express how upset I was over this. 
After about a week of them just sitting in my spare bedroom I decided to just take the paper off and start over. For the most part, it peeled right off. I had to do some sanding in some places. This time I used colored spray paint that my wonderful husband picked up for me at Lowes.  He was such a trooper about everything. 
I didn’t think I was going to like them just plainly painted but I didn’t know what else to do. I must say that I am more than happy with how they turned out. The colors are a lot brighter than I thought and they look really good with my classroom theme. 
Altogether I used 1 can of black primer, 4 cans of black spray paint, and 1 can of blue, green, pink and purple (still have at least half a can left over in each color.) I gave each color 2 coats. 
My advice if you ever decide to redo yours….use spray paint. It took me about 20 minutes to spray the drawers and I let them dry for a few hours before I put them together. It was super easy and a lot less of a hassle. After we got them all put together my husband said more than once how good and how much better they looked. That made me happy! 🙂

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