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5 Reasons to Join Maximize Your Math Block

Are you a teacher that is spending too much time searching for activities for math centers? Raise your hand if you’ve spent hours scrolling on TPT or Pinterest looking for station activities, you get overwhelmed, randomly buy something, only to realize it isn’t what you really needed. #GUILTY!!!  If this sounds like you, I’ve got you covered!

Are you spending too much time searching for math centers? Read more to see how you can get standards-based activities sent in your inbox!

Before I dive into what will be a lifesaver for you, let me share how this came about! It is no secret that I have a passion for guided math and math stations. Just read more about my obsession of math here! Over the past year, I’ve heard two things pretty consistently from people just like you!

1. Teachers are constantly looking for math station resources to use week after week.

2. When do you take the time out of your schedule to introduce new games and activities to your kids without wasting valuable instruction time?

That’s where my Maximize Your Math Block Stations were born!! It is a monthly math station resource for 2nd-grade teachers where you will get standards-based activities for each month of the year. So if you are that overwhelmed teacher that spends hours browsing Pinterest for the perfect activities…look no further! Here are 5 reasons (out of MANY) why Maximize Your Math Block can give you back your valuable time and assist you with all things math!

1. Student Instructional Videos

If you don’t read anything else beyond this, do NOT miss this most important detail! The #1 reason why you need Maximize Your Math Block (MYMB) in your life is because of these student-facing videos! You heard that right! No more spending time trying to instruct your students on how to do each activity, that is all taken care of for you! Each activity will include a video of me explaining what they need to do to complete the activity and how to play! Just think, how nice it will be to press play & have your math centers explained FOR you!

Are you spending too much time searching for math centers? Read more to see how you can get standards-based activities sent in your inbox!

2. Standards-Based Activities for Math Centers

Each month you will receive a total of 7-8 activities that align with a different standard. For instance, March is all about measurement! Some months may include more activities than others depending on the standard and the concepts within, for example, measurements include more activities than fractions because there aren’t as many components.

Are you spending too much time searching for math centers? Read more to see how you can get standards-based activities sent in your inbox!

3. Spiral Review

These activities for math centers are perfect for spiral review and can be used all year long. It is always important for students to have an opportunity to repeat skills. Keeping their skills fresh is so important as you are constantly building upon different mathematical concepts and these activities are built to do just that! You will get a new set of standards-based activities every single month. So by the end of the year, you will have over 100 engaging activities to choose from!

4. Hands-On Engagement for Math Centers

Another great benefit of these activities is that they provide tons of hands-on engagement! There are a variety of activities provided for each month. Many of them involve manipulatives, spinners, dice, dominoes, and more! You’ll also receive activities like task cards, partner games, board games, QR codes, and even digital activities for Google Slides, SeeSaw, and Boom Learning. You’ll get problem solving practice and so much more. PLUS, there are the instructional videos for each activity so that you don’t have to!! 

Are you spending too much time searching for math centers? Read more to see how you can get standards-based activities sent in your inbox!

5. Integrate with Any Curriculum

The best part about all of this is that because these are all standards-based activities, you can integrate it into any curriculum! No matter how you teach or what classroom curriculum you use, these math activities will easily go hand in hand with what you are teaching and cut out so much of the guesswork!

MYMB was created to help overwhelmed teachers save time by providing high quality, standards-based math activities without all the fuss of searching and planning. Right now, Maximize Your Math Block is only available for 2nd grade teachers. However, 1st and 3rd grade teachers…be on the lookout for resources coming your way!

Head on over HERE to get your Maximize Your Math Block stations for the year!

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Are you spending too much time searching for math centers? Read more to see how you can get standards-based activities sent in your inbox!
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